Oh To Be a Kid in Summer!!

I miss summer.  I miss being able to play, and be carefree and even bored sometimes.  I miss bike rides to the community pool with friends, I miss frozen Charleston Chew bars, sand in my shoes, sweat in my eyes, and shivering after eating an ice cream cone on a warm summer evening. I miss summer camp, canoeing, camp fires and camp songs.  I miss the anticipation of summer travel and the joy of spending time away from home.  I miss The Beach Boys blasting from Aunties convertible, I miss fishing off the dock at Cape Porpoise.  I miss Grammy’s “grape-aid” at Swift River and floating over the rocks made smooth from the current.  I miss lobsters on the flag stone walk, tuna sandwiches and little bottles of ginger-ale on the beach.  I miss strawberry shortcake made with peaches just for me, and sitting in Grammy’s yard till way after dark.  I miss the smell of fresh shaved wood in the shop and the smell of the ocean and coastal vegetation as we walked to the cove.  I miss the feeling of coming home and sleeping in my own bed, and the sound of the crickets as I drifted off to sleep…

I can’t have those days back, but I’m learning to live fondly with the memories of them. 

I’m making new summer memories now.  Like these:

 Flying!!!Splash Landing!!